Wednesday, June 13, 2018

How to Be Prepared For Your Own Chicken Business & Make $$$ Really!

How to Be Prepared For Your Own Chicken Business & Make $$$$ Really! 

Raising chickens for our family has been well.... "my nest egg" for our families future. Raising chickens is a secure business model for steady income. There is a steep learning curve to raising chickens and running a business at the same time. So are you thinking about entering the field of agriculture? You must have a secret desire to work hard in all kinds of weather from dawn to dusk seven days a week, AND be broke at the same time! Seriously, raising a flock of chickens IS hard work. BUT with experience raising chickens can be profitable.
To get started for the first 3 years or so until you can get automated machines plan on a 10 hour day working in one form or another for your poultry farm by; purchasing, growing or delivering feed to chickens and or constant repair of your coop is actually common place if you want a great coop and healthy chickens. Not to mention the accounting aspect.

Join local poultry clubs or forums to meet people in your same field. Consider spending time helping poor or a charity. 

If you "breed" chickens, will you have a market for roosters? Many people plan on breeding but forget the time, money, space and food that lots of roosters can cost your business.

Consider joining market days or garden clubs in your areas and meet like minded nature enthusiasts.

You MUST have a predator control plan in place before starting your chicken business.

Think of profits in "pennies" not dollars as much of your income will go right back into your business.

Shop "Cheep Chicken Store" 80 % Off of Everything

Unless your barn, coop or buildings are equipped for year round production (indoors) do not try to raise chicks in winter or late fall or a cold spring because cold wet weather is not good for the chicken business.

If you want to increase you business, treat customers right, sell them only quality chickens, and always tell the truth. Your business will grow on its own! 

Which Predator Control Is Best For Your Coop? Below are a few of the most common methods for predator control. Included are the "pros and cons" of using each method. There are no "perfect solutions" for your coop, without testing several  methods to see which works best for your coop.
Predator proofing your coop against animals is as individual as each chicken coop is different.. Some animal proofing works for some chicken owners, but it may not work for you. In MOST cases you may have to try several of these methods and or a combination of methods to see what is best for your coop to prevent predators.
In ALL cases building the BEST and STRONGEST coop and predator proofing your coop BEFORE you get started is the best way to have chickens in the morning. Remember, predators may still try to get into your coop.

What is the BIGGEST MISTAKE people make when building the coop. Well its AFTER the coop is built that you need to be aware of predators too! 

Remember, just because you do not find dead chickens in the coop does not mean that there are possible break ins that can happen every night. Predators are STILL there looking for a way inside. So check your coops for any openings BEFORE break ins and before your chickens are a raccoons dinner! 

At least once a week check your coop for predators trying to open a small hole usually in the corner top or bottom of your pen/run or coop

Follow up page next report: Chicken death: What killed your chickens? 

This is How to Barter with Chickens & Eggs for Profit

This is How to Barter with Chickens & Eggs for Profit

Over the years in raising chickens I have discovered that chickens, eggs and baby chicks are a real valuable commodity. Chickens cannot be replaced with technology and therefore actually retain their value. Even as much as real “money.” One chicken can produce hundreds of dollars in eggs and be used for meat at the end of productivity. A small flock will produce very valuable fertilizer for your garden. 

So why barter? Why not? There are lots of things that you can get by trading that is worth MORE than money. Usually if you are a good horse trader (or chicken trader) you will come out far ahead in swapping and make regular trading partners for almost everything you want or need. 

Most of the time my trading skills award me more than I ever hoped for or even needed.

Bartering is even older than money and a real useful skill to learn and to pass on to your family. 

We at Blue Star Ranch in Austin Texas will trade for almost anything we need or want of value. Garage sale items, groceries, pet foods, frozen foods, movies/dvds, hay, firewood, home made items soaps, candles or crafts, or services from your business, farm labor, lawn mowing, garden items, tools, electronics, video games, working appliances, furniture, clothes or any storage or unwanted items.

Craig's List is the BEST place to put free advertisements for barter.
Be sure the items that you barter are useful to you or someone that you know who can use them. Its not a good idea to trade for garage sale left overs or you will have a lifetime supply of plastic lids and junk you do not need. 

One year for Christmas we traded chickens with a lady who closed down her toy store. Now my grandson DID get ELEVEN toy remote helicopters that year, ha! and the kids had a Christmas that they will NEVER forget with a huge toy haul. I have received more kitchen appliances than a restaurant can ever use, clothes for my family, shoes, boots, art work, antiques, you NAME it. Anything you want or need. Plan your ads and just wait for the stuff to be delivered to you from very eager people that otherwise may not have money to pay for chickens and eggs. 

I've traded for 1/2 a slaughtered frozen calf, vegetables, home canned foods, soaps and such! 

There is even a saying that I am famous for repeating that makes the family GGRRROOOAAANNN when I say the phrase:

"I traded chickens for that!" 

My family SWEARS that one day this saying will be on my tombstone.  (I am currently seeking a funeral home that needs chickens for an eager sales person LOL)