Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Chicken Lives Movement Humans Vigil - Considers What Is Meaningful For Chickens

Chicken Lives Matter: Vigil to be held outside Perdue Farms in Milford  

Lets consider that if chickens have a life of hardship only to be raised for slaughter, then lets make some changes to give these creatures some comfort in their short live of 8 to maybe 11 weeks at the most before they are rapidly slaughtered for the money making poultry industry.

Animal rights activists will hold a vigil tonight in Milford for June, a chicken who was killed thirty six hours after she was rescued from a Perdue Farm truck crash on Route 301 Wednesday morning. 
June suffered a deep chest laceration and a fractured keel bone when a Perdue Farm’s tractor trailer, in route to slaughter, crashed on Route 301 Wednesday morning. Debris from the pavement lined June's chest cavity, causing a massive infection which turned sepsis. 
June was rushed to Mount Laurel Animal Hospital by animal activists with Liberation Philadelphia several hours after the crash when he was found hiding along the shoulder of the highway, abandoned by Perdue Farms.
Activists say that June's story highlights the routine suffering inflicted on billions of chickens killed by Perdue each year, which is why they will hold a vigil from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Perdue Farms on N. Rehoboth Blvd. in Milford.
Liberation Philadelphia is calling on Perdue Farms to pay for June's veterinarian bills, provide care for all the surviving chickens injured in Wednesday's crash and immediately release them into the care of a farm sanctuary where they can live out their lives with dignity, respect and freedom.  

Maria Kelly, an animal rights activist and organizer with Liberation Philadelphia, said the vigil is way to honor June and all of the other chickens killed in the crash. She feels Perdue Farms was negligent and should be held accountable.

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