Hydrogen Peroxide Uses
in Chicken Coops
Understand that chickens outside of their coops are walking on the ground and can pick up disease from birds that fly overhead or winds that blow bacteria. Be sure to use safe health practices when handling your chickens. ALL Vets will say that your chickens are carriers of bacteria of one type of another. Its TRUE all chickens carry LOTS of bacteria! Many kinds.
Here at Blue Star Ranch hydrogen peroxide is in use in most of our pens to cut down on disease and illness in the flocks.
To our baby chick pens which we use kennel flooring to remove waste and sand I spray the chicks directly with a fine mist of 3% HP and also add some to the water and a small amount of HP to the flooring.
This H202 really eliminates Coccidiosis as well as other diseases in poultry.
What are the symptoms?
Coccidiosis works quickly as the incubation period is only about eight days. Symptoms can present either gradually or suddenly – it’s not uncommon for a chicken to appear fine one day and very sick or even dead the next. The most common symptom you might notice is blood or mucous in the droppings. However, don’t get this confused with caecal droppings chickens shed naturally that is also brown/red in color. While you can take an educated guess as to whether or not your chicken’s poop is indicating coccidiosis, only your vet can provide certainty by performing an analysis on dropping samples.
Also note, blood in poop is not necessarily always a symptom, so also look out for:
- Weak, listless looking chickens not moving around much
- Huddling together as if cold
- Pale comb and skin
- A loss of appetite
- Ruffled feathers
- Weight loss
- Baby chicks failing to grow
- Inconsistent egg laying – or not at all